The Advisory Committee on Business Practices works with the Vice President for Public Affairs and Senior Advisor to the President to analyze, evaluate and deepen understanding of the ethical and moral issues that should be taken into consideration in the evaluation of staff labor policy and Georgetown University vendors. The Committee’s primary responsibility is to advise on practical ways to ensure concordance between Georgetown University business policy and practice and Georgetown’s commitment to social justice and the “common good” as reflected in Georgetown’s Mission Statement, as well as Georgetown’s Just Employment Policy.
Just Employment Policy
Georgetown University, as a Catholic and Jesuit institution, is committed to providing fair and competitive compensation packages for University employees and full-time contract workers who provide services on its campuses in Washington, D.C. This wage is based on a variety of factors, including input from the Advisory Committee on Business Practices, the salary and benefits structure of Georgetown employees, existing University collective bargaining agreements and the University’s overall financial resources and ability to sustain academic excellence. This policy is designed to provide a floor for minimum total compensation appropriate for full-time Georgetown workers in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area; takes into account the costs of housing, health care, child care, transportation, taxes, food and other basic necessities, known as a living wage or just wage, as well as the need to compensate employees without jeopardizing services or jobs; reflects Georgetown’s employee compensation system and existing union contracts; provides an ongoing mechanism to evaluate employee compensation; and ensures that, where appropriate, hourly wage earners will receive equivalent pay for equivalent work.
- Just Employment Policy for Georgetown University
- Protocol for Reporting Concerns Related to the Just Employment Policy
University Construction Projects
Georgetown University is committed to protecting the rights of workers on University construction projects. On October 6, 2021, the University announced it will incorporate new labor standards into new University construction contracts moving forward. These provisions include a requirement for construction managers and their subcontractors to submit certified payroll to Georgetown and pay prevailing wage, as well as reserving Georgetown’s right to conduct an investigation of work performed and compliance with applicable employment or labor standards and laws on University construction sites, either on its own or through an independent monitor. Georgetown is also committed to verifying that work performed on current construction sites is in compliance with applicable employment and labor laws.
Committee Membership
The Committee includes staff, students, faculty members and administrators. Voting members are expected to be available to participate in regular meetings throughout the academic year.
There is a recommended two-year term, with the possibility of reappointment, for faculty, staff and administrators. Student members will serve a one-year term (September to September), with the possibility of reappointment. The chair of the Committee is J. Callahan Watson, Associate Vice President for Public Affairs and Business Policy.
Current members include:
- Robert J. Bies, Professor, McDonough School of Business
- Adam Donaldson, Vice President for Strategic Operations and Information Technology
- Meghan Dubyak, Associate Vice President for Strategic Communications
- Quentin Dupont, S.J., Swan Family Ignatian Assistant Professor, McDonough School of Business
- Marc Fournier, Vice President for Auxiliary Enterprises and Real Estate
- Sanaa Kashif, Graduate Student Government representative
- Peter Lees, Student Bar Association representative
- Heather Malneritch, Senior Campus Director, Financial Accounting & Compliance
- Joseph A. McCartin, Director, Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor
- Inés Molina, Georgetown University Student Association representative
- Fiona Naughton, Georgetown University Student Association representative
- Roberta Paul, University Director for Employee Relations and Engagement
- Sheila Prieto, Patrol Sergeant, Georgetown University Police Department
- Erik Smulson, Vice President for Public Affairs